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12 Essential Self Care Reminders for Happier Work Days


Publish date: Jan 7, 2024

12 self care reminders for employees featured image

Are you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from the demands of your workdays? It’s time to prioritize your well-being and incorporate some much-needed self care into your routine.

Sometimes All We Need are Gentle Reminders for Self Care

In this post, we’ll share 12 simple self care reminders that can positively impact your happiness and overall health during those hectic workdays.

Whether you’re a busy professional or someone who simply wants to prioritize self care, these practical self care positive daily reminders will help you find balance and navigate the daily grind with ease.

So, let’s dive right and start taking these actionable steps to see a significant difference in your daily life.

1. Prioritize Sleep

This one is something that I am still guilty of not following to a T. You probably already know this as well, and that is, you need to prioritize sleep for a happier and healthier work life.

There is just no getting around it. Having enough rest is essential for maintaining productivity and overall well-being.

While it’s tempting to squeeze just another hour or two out of your day to make it “more productive” or to “use up your day” by playing some video games or binging on that new Netflix episode, you would be better off pushing it to the next day.

It’s quite simple really. If you don’t get enough sleep, It would be the worst way to start your day off the next day and your body will always have a way of showing it to you. I know you know what I’m talking about.

So make sure to establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and create an optimal sleep environment to ensure quality rest.

I live in a tropical country and I am grateful to be able to enjoy an air conditioner that keeps the room cool and comfortable for me to sleep in. Remember, a well-rested mind and body are key to a successful day at work.

2. Take Breaks

A self care reminder to remember to take breaks

Remember to take breaks throughout your day to recharge and rejuvenate. Stepping away from your desk or workspace, even for a few minutes, can help reduce stress and improve focus.

So, make it a habit to schedule regular breaks and give yourself permission to unwind and take care of your well-being. You must be super human if you’re able to maintain your focus after hacking away at the keyboard for hours on end.

It’s okay to rest your eyes and your brain for a bit.

3. Stay Active

Make sure to stay active throughout the day by taking short breaks to stretch or go for a quick walk. This can help boost your energy levels and improve focus, leading to increased productivity.

Take care of yourself while you work to ensure a positive and fulfilling workday. As a working professional, I understand that you may not be able to step away from your desk during work hours. That’s just the way things are sometimes.

In that case, spend at least 15-30 minutes after work to take a walk at the park or do some aerobics exercises at the comfort of your home. The key is to stay consistent and you will be able to see true and lasting results to your overall physical health.

4. Eat Nutritious Meals

We get it, life can get busy and it’s not always easy to prioritize self care, especially during workdays. But hey, here’s a simple self care reminder: try to make small changes to your meals.

I totally get that it’s not always possible to meal prep or eat healthy all the time, and you may even be setting yourself up for failure when you try to achieve something unsustainable.

So opting for a healthier choice or adding nutritious options to your plate can make a difference. So go ahead, make that conscious effort to fuel your body better, even if it’s just one meal at a time.

5. Practice Mindfulness

As cringey as it may sound, the key point is for you to train and practice your self awareness so that you can react and make positive changes to your life and daily routine. Remember to take regular breaks, engage in activities that bring you joy, and prioritize self care.

If you find yourself feeling detached from your inner voice, some would recommend journaling as a way of penning your thoughts and feeling down. It’s a great way of processing events that have occured in your life and how they make you feel.

If you’re not sure of how to even start, try starting off with some gratitude towards the things you’ve been taking for granted. Put on some calming Lofi beats on Spotify and it will come to you.

Who knows, there may even be things that you end up learning about yourself as you start to reflect on your thoughts. Your happiness and health matter, so make sure to give yourself the care and attention you deserve.

6. Set Boundaries

Set boundaries and don’t be afraid to say no to additional tasks or requests that overload your plate. You need to start valuing your well-being and establish clear boundaries for a more balanced work-life.

If your boss or work environment consistently disregards boundaries and piles on excessive work for a team of 1, then it may be a sign for you to reevaluate if your workplace values are still aligned with yours.

12 self care reminders for a happier work life
Feel free to share these self care reminders and Pin this graphic!

7. Engage in Hobbies

Taking time to do the things you enjoy purely for fun can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. Hobbies provide a much-needed break from the demands of work and life itself, allowing you to recharge and find joy in the activities that bring you happiness.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and responsibilities of our jobs. However, making time for hobbies can help alleviate stress, improve mental health, and enhance productivity.

When we engage in activities we love, whether it’s playing a musical instrument, painting, gardening, or cooking, we enter a state of flow where time seems to stand still and worries fade away.

This state of mindfulness allows us to relax, rejuvenate, and return to work with a fresh perspective.

Moreover, engaging in a hobby can serve as an opportunity for personal growth as you tend to pick up new skills and build them up in the process.

Exploring new interests and challenging ourselves in different areas can boost creativity, problem-solving abilities, as well as confidence.

Not only that, I find that hobbies can also foster social connections and build communities. Joining a local club or group centered around your hobby can introduce you to like-minded individuals who share your passion.

Take it from me. I once joined a Facebook group full of graphic design enthusiasts and I was amazed at the amount of helpful information that I could get from people who were so enthusiastic and passionate about the topic.

They were so ready to share and It made me feel like I’m being cheered on from the sidelines to continue learning.

Ultimately, It allows us to escape the pressures of work, find joy in our passions, and recharge our minds. You don’t have to stick to one hobby and see it through.

It’s a hobby after all, and the point is for you to have fun, explore and learn more about yourself in the process.

In this way, we can cultivate a healthier work-life balance, boost our mental well-being, and enhance our overall happiness. So, take the time to indulge in your hobbies and reap the numerous benefits they offer.

8. Connect with Others

A self care reminder to connect with others

Connecting with others can help to foster meaningful relationships, reduce feelings of isolation, and improve overall well-being. Taking the time to connect with others allows us to share our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, which can provide a sense of support and understanding.

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this phrase:

No man is an Island, no man lives alone.

17th century poet, John Donne

I’m not going to go on and write a whole paragraph here about how humans are inherently social creatures and thrive on human connection, but engaging in conversations and building connections with colleagues, friends, and loved ones can essentially boost our mood, provide a fresh perspective, and promote a sense of belonging.

Yes, I know some of you are probably like, “No, I don’t need anyone in my life” but I assure you that on some level, you do crave that human connection with someone.

Plus, why reject something that makes you feel good internally and externally?

Sure it may just be a dopamine hit, serotonin hit or whatever chemicals you’ve researched on. At the end of the day, connecting with others, or rather connecting with the right people is good for you.

Life isn’t about just slaving away at the office.

So, remember to take some time out and connect with others. I believe it’s a form of self care too, and can result in you having more fulfilling, happier, and healthier work days ahead.

9. Unplug from Technology

Nowadays, it’s so easy to become overwhelmed by constant connectivity. Taking the time to disconnect and recharge can have a lot of benefits for our well-being.

When we spend excessive amounts of time in front of screens, whether it’s for work or leisure, it can lead to mental and physical exhaustion.

You may not realize it now until you’re at the breaking point, but our minds need a break from the constant stream of information and notifications. If you intentionally disconnect from technology, you can give yourself the opportunity to relax and recharge.

Unplugging allows us to focus on other aspects of our lives that often get neglected in the digital age.

It gives us the chance to engage in activities that bring us joy, such as spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.

These moments of disconnection can help reduce stress levels and improve overall mental well-being.

Constant exposure to screens can also disrupt our sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by devices can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

Try unplugging from technology at least 1 hour before your bedtime and you might find that you were able to get quality sleep, which in turn has a positive impact on our productivity and overall health.

I know that this is a habit that many of us have, including myself, and I can understand that it is a difficult habit to kick.

So when you start to feel so restless each night and have difficulty falling asleep, then maybe it’s time for you to consider this factor and start unplugging from tech before bedtime.

It may not seem like much in terms of the impact of unplugging from tech, but it does seem that unplugging from tech can have a domino effect.

If you don’t disconnect, your sleep is affected, and when your sleep is affected, you end up having a a bad start to your work day the next day.

So prioritize your well-being by taking breaks from screens and intentionally disconnecting. Give yourself the opportunity to relax, recharge, and focus on other aspects of your life.

10. Practice Gratitude

I know how crazy things can get. Deadlines, meetings, and the constant hustle can leave you feeling drained and it’s so easy to forget to take a breather sometimes.

That is why taking a moment to appreciate the good stuff in your life might just be one of the gentle reminders for self care that you need to notice the brighter side of life.

Let’s face it, life can get messy and it’s not always peachy. Why bother with this gratitude thing? By acknowledging the good, we can give our brains a gentle nudge towards a healthier mindset.

I touched on this earlier but gratitude in its simplest form is like a genuine “thanks” and at least to me, it feels like a subtle act of self care that adds a touch of calm to our hectic work lives.

Whether you choose to jot it down, say it out loud, or quietly reflect, give it a shot. It might just be the understated self care ritual you didn’t know you needed.

11. Seek Support

I always have trouble with this because in my mind, It hurts me if I ended up placing a burden on someone. I didn’t want to add on to their troubles and as a result, I try to keep it to myself and find the solution on my own.

Again, It’s like a bad habit that’s hard to fix I’m beginning to be more self aware when it comes to seeking support. I can finally see and understand how seeking support is not a sign of weakness.

On the contrary, It can actually make our work lives more manageable. Start with the people around you – colleagues, friends, or even family.

Share your challenges, and you might be surprised at how others have faced similar hurdles and they may even already have a solution that can help you.

A fresh perspective can also be a game changer. Sometimes, a simple chat over coffee can lead to valuable insights and solutions you might not have considered on your own.

Furthermore, when we share our burdens, we not only lighten our load, but we also strengthen connections.

It’s not about being a lone hero; It’s about recognizing that a support system can also help you achieve a more balanced work life.

12. Celebrate Achievements

It’s easy to zoom past our wins without a second glance, especially when that to-do list just keep on getting longer and longer. Taking a moment to pat yourself on the back is so important in keeping your spirits high.

It isn’t about being boastful; It’ about giving yourself a high-five for a job well done.

Acknowledge your wins, big or small. Completed a challenging task? Treat yourself to your favorite snack. Wrapped up a project? Take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments, and maybe share your success with a colleague or friend.

Set mini goals along the way and when you reach them, pause and savor the moment. It could be as simple as a mental fist bump or jotting down your achievement in a little “win diary.” The key is to acknowledge your efforts and appreciate the progress.

Personally, I like jotting down wins, because you can always reflect back and see how far you’ve come. Sometimes It’s all you need during tough times to help you move through it.

When you acknowledge your own achievements, your confidence is boosted and that in turn fuels your passion for the next challenge. Celebrating achievements keeps the joy alive in our work journey.

It prevents burnout, builds a positive mindset, and creates a cycle of motivation. The next time when you conquer a task, don’t rush to the next one. Pause, celebrate, and let the good vibes fuel your next adventure.

Remember to Nurture Yourself With These Self Care Positive Daily Reminders

So there you go! By weaving these self care reminders into your routine, you’re not just taking care of yourself; you’re boosting your productivity and satisfaction levels in both your personal and professional life.

It’s like giving your mind, body, and soul the TLC they deserve, so you’ll always be ready in whatever you have to tackle for the day. Remember, these aren’t big, overwhelming changes. They’re small tweaks that add up to a big difference.

Change doesn’t occur overnight so remember to be consistent if you want to see lasting results. Even if you fall off the bandwagon, just get back on it, and continue on to do what you have to do.

Whether you’re far along in your self care journey or just starting out, prioritizing your well-being isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity.

Written by Mira

The Founder of CWAC. The Writer. But at the end of the day, I'm just another work in progress. Like you. 🙂
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